27 Moons Project: Chitra Nakshatra
...the key to understanding your mind and the mind of others
In Vedic astrology, the moon is divided into 27 divisions called Nakshatra. The moon is our mind and therefore how we filter all thoughts, impressions and experiences. Knowing our Moon Nakshatra and the Nakshatras of others is key to understanding and appreciating how we think and approach the world. If you don’t know your Nakshatra, you can find out what it is here.
Happy Moon Monday!
For the next half a year, I’ll be writing a post about the current Nakshatra of the moon every Monday, the day naturally ruled by the moon.
If you don’t know what Nakshatra are, check out this post first.
For now, let’s dive into the Nakshatra the moon is currently in this lovely Monday.
This Monday’s Nakshatra: Chitra
Chitra is the fourteenth Nakshatra in the Vedic lunar zodiac, spanning from 23°20' Virgo to 6°40' Libra. It is governed by Mars.
The term Chitra translates to "bright" or "many-colored" in Sanskrit, emphasizing this Nakshatra's association with brilliance, art, and a variety of forms. The Sanskrit transliteration is Citrā.
Chitra is characterized by a single star, Spica (Alpha Virginis), which stands out prominently in the night sky because of its brightness and distinct color.
To gain insights into the mindset of individuals with their moon in this Nakshatra, let's explore its symbols, deity, and general keywords.
Chitra Nakshatra is symbolized by sparkling gemstones and the luminous pearl. These natives often love bling, glitz, color and glamor. Fashion-conscious and drawn to external beauty, they are concerned with outward image and appearance. They often have a pleasing and tender demeanour and genuinely enjoy the company of others.
As one of the Nakshatras that spans two signs, a Virgo-born Chitra Nakshatra native is often more scholarly, scientific and innovative, while a Libra-born Chitra Nakshatra natives is particularly drawn to beauty and form.
More on this when we take a look at the skills of this Nakshatra.
First, let’s take a look at their ruling deity.
Ruling deity
When it comes to Nakshatras, knowing the ruling deity gets you closer to understanding their inner nature than the sign they are in.
The ruling deity for Chitra Nakshatra is Tvashtar, also known as Vishvakarma, the divine architect and craftsman of the gods.
As Tvashtar, he is revered as the creator of the universe's form and structure, the celestial artisan who designs and constructs the palaces of the gods and their weapons.
The Sanskrit root "tvaṣṭṛ," meaning "to make" or "to fashion," captures the essence of Tvashtar's divine role. He is the master artist, shaping the material and spiritual world with precision and innovation, and crafting the universe's myriad and intricate details with his skilled hands.
Tvashtar's creative genius and engineering prowess symbolize the Chitra Nakshatra's connection to aesthetic beauty and excellent craftsmanship.
Skills and interests
Chitra natives are drawn to that which is colorful, brilliant and bright. They tend to have an artistic nature and exquisite taste, especially if their moon is in Libra. They are attracted to the beauty of form and often excel in arts that are more physical in nature, such as sculpture and design.
The fashion world and entertainment industry is an ideal home for Citra natives, as are scientific institutes and architecture firms.
Fun-loving and social, they love the company of others and often have a great sense of humor. They indulge and adore in all the five senses have to offer and have a sensual nature, including in the bedroom.
Naturally successful, these natives are often blessed with the ability to freely enjoy the fruits of their labor. Kind and gentle, they can also be restless and self-serving at times.
Although often hedonistic in nature, they do have a spiritual and philosophical side and are attracted to abundance captured in structure and form.
Strengths and weaknesses
good looking and artistic
elegant and well-dressed
social and a natural leader
great lovers
skilled in design
philosophical and well-read
scholarly and scientific (in Virgo)
international and independent
successful in their endeavors
arrogant and snobby
self-centered and overly critical
a spendthrift, but financial stingy with others
difficulty committing in relationships
fickle and easily bored
always looking for the next exciting thing around the corner
Famous people with their moon in Chitra
Justin Bieber (Libra)
George H. W. Bush (Virgo) and George W. Bush Jr. (Virgo)
Kim Gordon (Libra)
Vanna White (Libra)
Sidney Portier (Virgo)
Nicolas Cage (Libra)